You Can Increase Your Income by an Additional 2-4 Thousand Dollars Per Month Without Investing a Single Cent Into Actual Inventory with Print on Demand or selling your own Printables.

Etsy is one of the top Marketplaces to sell your products online and to get Started on E-Commerce without a Fancy Shopify Store. 

The Time Has Come FOR YOU to Awaken Your True Potential and Start Living the Life You Have Always Dreamed Of…

This course will be fully available on June 5th, 2024, When you join today you are gaining free access to our Workshop on Tuesday May 14 and all the bonuses at a heavily discounted price. 

Etsy is not a difficult marketplace to crack —  It’s just that the sheer volume of mixed messages can make it challenging to discern the best path for your business.

For many new sellers, the struggle lies in attracting traffic and generating sales. They find themselves lost in a sea of competition without a clear understanding of their target audience or the products that resonate with them. I’ve been there myself, wrestling with the same uncertainties.

In my early days on Etsy, I made the mistake of trying to appeal to everyone, without truly understanding my market. One memorable blunder involved a shirt featuring a horse. I thought I covered all bases by using keywords related to different horse breeds, expecting a flood of traffic. Instead, I found myself inundated with negative messages from passionate horse enthusiasts. It was a humbling lesson—I realized that my lack of knowledge about horses led to a disconnect with my audience.

Stories like mine are all too common. We stumble when we choose a niche we don’t grasp or attempt to sell to an audience that doesn’t resonate with our product. But every misstep is an opportunity for growth and learning.

That’s why I’m passionate about helping!!


Through my Etsy Print on Demand and Printables course, you’ll gain the insights and strategies needed to identify your target audience, understand their needs, and create products that speak directly to them. By aligning your passion with market demand, you’ll not only attract traffic but also foster genuine connections with your customers—laying the foundation for a thriving Etsy business.

Don’t let the noise of mixed information drown out your potential for success on Etsy. Join us, and let’s navigate this journey together, armed with knowledge, insight, and a shared commitment to creating products that truly resonate with our audience.


Do you identify with one this situations?…

  • You followed some E-Commerce guru’s YouTube channel & were told to run some Facebook ads, which only ended up in you spending a lot of money with zero success & just a nasty hole in your bank account.
  • Or you bought some type of guru promises the world “done for you” e-commerce solution, which sadly lasted a few weeks & only resulted in more cash going down the drain. (by the Way, we do offer a DFY solution that works)
  • Or maybe you got lucky  & right after launching an Etsy Store; you got a few quick sales, then got stuck trying to figure out how to keep going, only to spend most of your weeknights & weekends madly trying to figure out all the things which have led to nothing but a whole lot of wasted time & a massive headache.

Something’s got to give. Especially when there’s a Faster and Easier way to start selling more of your Products, Today!

This is NOT how you should be spending your time. 

You should be spending it on increasing your sales rather than just fighting to get one.

But Let’s Be Real

Improving the products others are selling Hasn’t gotten the results you were hoping for, Has it?

Every time you’ve tried selling more of what has already been sold in the past, one of these things happens: 

  • There are hundreds of similar listings in the market, and nobody is buying yours
  • You have to spend hundreds of dollars on Ads to get some sales, but it does not making you any money after all the expenses. 
  • Or Even Worst, someone reports you for copying their product.

Sounds about right?

I’ve helped others in your shoes many times before

In an era marked by economic uncertainty, Etsy stands out as a beacon of opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. Here’s why:

🛒 Etsy’s Resilience: Amidst economic fluctuations, Etsy has demonstrated remarkable resilience, consistently attracting millions of buyers seeking unique, handcrafted, and personalized products. Tap into this thriving marketplace to reach a global audience eager to support independent creators like you.

📈 E-Commerce Boom: The shift towards online shopping has accelerated, with more consumers opting for the convenience and safety of shopping from home. By establishing your presence on Etsy, you position yourself at the forefront of this e-commerce revolution, capitalizing on the growing demand for Print on Demand and Printable Products.

💡 Low Barrier to Entry: Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar businesses that require hefty investments in rent, utilities, and inventory, Etsy offers a low barrier to entry for entrepreneurs. With minimal startup costs and the flexibility of print-on-demand, you can launch your Etsy store swiftly and cost-effectively, making it an ideal platform for budding creatives and seasoned artisans alike.

🌍 Global Reach: Etsy transcends geographical boundaries, enabling you to showcase your creations to a diverse and expansive audience worldwide. Whether you’re based in bustling urban centers or quaint countryside towns, Etsy provides a level playing field where talent and creativity reign supreme, allowing you to compete on a global scale from the comfort of your own home.

🤝 Community Support: In times of economic uncertainty, community support becomes invaluable. Etsy fosters a tight-knit community of sellers, makers, and buyers united by a shared appreciation for craftsmanship and creativity. By joining the Etsy ecosystem, you not only gain access to a vast marketplace but also become part of a supportive network that celebrates individuality and entrepreneurship.

In today’s economy, seizing opportunities for financial independence and creative fulfillment is more crucial than ever. With Etsy as your platform and print-on-demand as your strategy, you’re poised to thrive amidst uncertainty, turning your passion into profit and making your mark on the world. Join us on this journey of entrepreneurship and empowerment—your success story awaits on Etsy! 🚀🎨🛍️

Hi, I’m Fernando Sustaita

I listened to the industry. I listened to what people wanted – and I gave it to them.

As Featured on… 

This is a picture of me inside the Woot/Merch by Amazon facility. 

I got so good Amazon invited me to Dallas to check out their facility and see how they printed their shirts. I got my Golden ticket and became what was known as a Merch Insider. I know what I’m talking about and have the expertise to prove it repeatedly. 

Today I no longer sell on Amazon, but I have at least one Shopify Store running at any one time. I own multiple stores on Etsy and consistently earn way more than my old 6 figure job I used to have.

You see, the difference between other coaches in the industry and me is that I work on multiple Etsy stores every week, not only mine but also my coaching and DFY Services programs client’s stores. I am always ahead to know what is working and what is not. 

But what I enjoy the most about what I get to do every day is helping people like you live your dreams.


And simply put, you should trust me because I’ve been helping hundreds of people get sales over.…

and Over….

and over again….

This course will not be fully available until June 5th, 2024, you are prebuying this course at the discounted price and get free access to our workshop on May 12. 

My Etsy Print on Demand and Printables course is designed to help YOU:

  • Sell products that will make you Money!
  • Create the Right listing the first time and every time
  • Start Making sales right away if you do everything I tell you to do in this course. You could make money like my other students–some have earned over 5K a month. If they can, you can. 

But that’s not all… 

How Will this Course Help You?

By Walking You Through How to find the right product all the way to Promoting your products, Step-By-Step.

This is not a how-to-open-an an Etsy Store Course,  that is a whole different course we offer (You will get an offer to get it at a huge discount at checkout), this is to help you find products that sell and how to sell them. 

Here’s what you’ll get:

Module 1: Introduction to Print-on-Demand and Etsy: 

An overview of the print-on-demand model and Etsy’s platform. Discuss the benefits of integrating print-on-demand with Etsy and why it’s an ideal combination for creative entrepreneurs.

Module 2: Introduction to Printables and Etsy:

An overview of the Printables model and Etsy’s platform.

Module 3: Product Selection and Catalog Building:

Help students curate a winning product catalog tailored to their chosen niche. Explore different product categories on Etsy, from apparel to home decor, and provide guidance on selecting the right products to maximize sales potential.

Module 4: Listing Optimization and SEO:

How to optimize your Etsy listings for search visibility and conversion. Cover essential SEO techniques, including keyword research, title and tag optimization, and product description writing.

Module 5: Marketing and Promotion Strategies:

Explore effective marketing strategies to drive traffic and sales to Etsy shops. Discuss social media marketing, email marketing, influencer collaborations, and other promotional tactics tailored to Etsy sellers.

Module 6: Customer Experience and Retention:

The importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences to build trust and loyalty. Provide guidance on order fulfillment, customer communication, and strategies for encouraging repeat purchases and positive reviews.

Module 7: Scaling Your Etsy Business:

strategies for scaling their Etsy businesses for long-term growth and success. Discuss outsourcing, automation, product expansion, and diversification opportunities to maximize profitability and efficiency.

Module 8: Finding the right Print on Demand Supplier

Finding the right PoD supplier is a must on this industry and we will show you a few we typically work with. 

Module 9: How to Create Printables

We will show you some of the apps we use and how to make some printable products to sell on Etsy. 

Module 10: and More…


The main modules alone are EASILY worth $997, but there’s more…

Bonus #1: Print on Demand Masterclass

This Live Masterclass will be on Friday, May 17th at 12 PM CST. Zoom Link will be provided in the Bonus Section and recording will be added Shortly After. When you get this course before May 14th, you will be able to join live and be on the Q&A Session. 

Bonus #2: Print-on-Demand Designs

You will get a set of Editable Canva Templates for Print on Demand Products. Easy to Edit.

Bonus #3: Free Copy of My Cracking the Etsy Code E-Book

My Book on Print on Demand Products on Etsy

Bonus #4: Free Access to our Mock Ups Made Easy Workshop

Learn how to make the right product Images for your Etsy Store.

But This Pre-Launch Price goes Away Very, Very Soon!

And here’s the thing…

Everything in the Etsy Print on Demand and Printables Course is incredibly powerful when you put it to use. 

But what happens if you skip out on this opportunity?

Where will you be next year?

I can help you with that answer; you will still wonder why other E-Commerce Sellers are killing it on Etsy while you still struggle with a lack of progress, a sad account, and missed opportunity. 

With Etsy… you can reach 40,000,000+ buyers.  Buyers who spent $4Billion on last year alone. 

This is a massive opportunity with Etsy and Your Products!

And what happens if you do take advantage of this limited-time steal on NO BS Etsy?

Most likely, the same thing that’s happened to so many of my other students:

They got their first sale and were quickly followed by many, many more.

If you follow the training (which also comes with exceptional support from us), you can expect an increase in your bank account balance. 

More freedom – Work from home or anywhere

E-commerce is EXPLODING and is estimated to rise 23.6% in 2025 with stats of estimated income potential of almost 2.91 trillion in 2020 (reference Ecommerce Guide

What would this kind of Experience be worth to you:

I ask because the Etsy Print on Demand and Printables course is designed to get you exactly that, and you start seeing results as soon as your store is ready to begin selling products!

I teach Etsy in a few different ways. 

Example: “My 1:1 coaching clients pay $2,500-$7000, but you won’t pay that, and my VIP Group Power Calls runs for  $1897, but you won’t pay that either…

And when this is the full price, it will be $297, but you won’t pay that either…”

This low price is only good for a short time, then the price will go up. and the Price will be $147 but on this Pre-buy offer this course is only

Only $57!

To get results like



or even THIS

Are you Still on the Fence?  Are you afraid you will not get what you paid for? 

You are covered by my 30 day money back guarantee. If after you go thru the course you don’t find the value,  then I don’t want your money. I will happily refund it for you.   

Look, if you’re serious about starting an Etsy™ store and generating a real income for you and your family, you need to take action and get in the game.

One more time, here’s what you get:

This Etsy Course  (Total Value – $997)

Bonus #1: Print on Demand Masterclass (Value $197)

Bonus #2: Print-on-Demand Designs (Value $75)

Bonus #3: Free Copy of My Cracking the Etsy Code E-Book (Value $47)

Bonus #5: Free Access to our Mock Ups Made Easy Workshop (Value $197)

At a total value of $1513

But you only pay $57 for this if you join right now!

Now, I know that $57 isn’t pocket change. 

But let me ask you: 

If ALL this did was teach you how to find designers or connect with the right suppliers, would it be worth it?

What about helping you get your first sales?  

Now you see, in the grand scheme of things, $57 isn’t much to pay to change your life.

And Remember…

The $57 price is only good for a short time, and the Price will go up to $147 once this promotional period is over! 

So, what are you waiting for?

Are you ready to consistently make 3-5k monthly Running your E-Commerce store in the fifth biggest Marketplace in the world?

See What My Students & Clients from previous Courses Have to Say

This course will be fully available on June 5th, 2024, When you join today you are gaining free access to our Workshop on Tuesday May 14 and all the bonuses at a heavily discounted price.